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Grosser Legal is a boutique legal practice specialising in consulting and insourcing to corporate and public sector clients on projects.

We specialise in commercial law, procurement, probity, disputes, intellectual property, information technology, and administration (government) law.

We also offer personal legal services to our clients, such as wills and estates, trusts, debt recovery, administrative (government) law, and conveyancing.


So what is our point of difference?  We recognise that the traditional law firm model is inefficient and costly.  Our experience in international, national and local law firms provides valuable experience, but also shows us that there is a better way.  Firstly, we are lean.  When you engage us, you will deal directly with the person who takes your instructions and does the work.  There is no hierarchical approach where instructions are passed from person to person, with the objectives and key drivers getting lost along the way; not to mention the duplication, review, rework and supervision time.  Our lawyers are self contained and do your work from start to completion.  This results in a better service, faster response and vastly lower fees than you are used to from a commercial law firm.


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